Mechanical Engineering
Crew Chief
Our crew chiefs are responsible for designing and building their car, or any changes made to it throughout the year. They also work with their drivers at the races to ensure the best possible performance by their cars. They also have the unofficial responsibility as class leaders.
Our current crew chief for the 985 car is Victor Sagastume, the 984 is Anthony Hoeger, and the crew chief for the 983 car is Kai Kelekoma.
Alongside the crew chiefs, we like to have an assistant crew chief whether that's to help during races, around in class, or to learn to take over. Currently, since most of the class is new we are still looking for who will be doing this position.

Our machinists have the duty to work with the crew chiefs to make the parts they need to either improve their cars or make parts for the new car we build that year. They use a lathe, mill, and various other shop tools. Our current machinists are Nolan Bower, Hurray Zebedayo, Ajay Erickson, Marc Hawkes, and Kai Kelekoma.
Electrical Engineering

Batteries and Trailer Maintenance
Our battery technicians have several jobs including battery care, testing, and general trailer maintenance. The team takes care of the batteries by fully charging them after every race and freezing them batteries to preserve them. To test the batteries they set up a car on our dyno tester and then run the old batteries through trials to find out how usable they are for the upcoming season. They are also in charge of keeping the trailer clean, neat, and organized at all times. Our current battery technician is Aydan Beardsley who is working with Derrick Bell, Jared McArtor, Jarron Weber, Charlie Myers, and Domenik Hamer.
A good documentation book can make the difference between pulling off a win and taking the big L in Electric Car. The job of our documentation writers is to provide that extra push that gave our team the state championship in Nebraska and Wisconsin last year. Our documentation team consists of Kaylee Osborn, Charlie Myers, Jacob Sagastume, and Ella Brown.
Since Cougar Electric Car receives no funding directly from Kennedy High School, we have to raise 100% of the funds we need every year to operate. The promotion department is in charge of fundraisers and outreaches to raise money. The promotion department has no fully committed members but is primarily run by the Documentation team. But this year we have a couple of new freshmen really interested in promotions so hoping for the best.

Our cars look great on their own, but our graphics department makes them look even better. The graphics department has numerous jobs, including; T-shirt design and production, number board production, trailer graphics, and car graphics. Headed by Keira Zortman, Emily Zortman, and Jake Secl. Graphics also has Alex Robbins to pick all the vinyl and making sure everything is running smooth.